5 Things to Know to Help Build Your Community

sandormax marketing ct

Nonprofits and municipalities often face challenges as they try to boost awareness for their mission and grow their brand. SandorMax has a long history of helping these organizations find ways to stand out from the crowd and grow their communities. In this article, we are offering you a piece of our expertise and sharing tips from the successes that we have achieved in the past. In five simple steps, we can help you drum up some excitement for your mission, engage your community, and expand into new ones.

1. Don’t just talk. Listen.

Community is a two way street. Your supporters want to hear about your organization, its mission, and its milestones. However, they also want to have a voice and feel like they can share their ideas and opinions with you. So, don’t be afraid to open up a dialogue with your community. Use your social media outlets to not only post pictures, news, and events, but also to pose questions and get your audience involved. Or, consider crafting a survey to obtain direct feedback from your community and see if there are areas for improvement.

2. Become a hub

Stand out from other organizations. Find ways to help your community in a manner that no one else is doing. It is crucial that your organization brings something of value to the table and provides services to people that they cannot find anywhere else. One way to do this is to fill your website with fresh content that pertains to issues that are affecting your community. Perhaps, start a blog containing articles with advice and tips or create an events calendar that keeps track of all the happenings in your community. Keep people coming back and engaged with what you have to say.

3. Tell a story

Your community wants to hear your story and the best way to tell it is to be authentic. Your organization should have its own voice that is both memorable and relatable. One way to craft your organization’s personality is through interviews. Speak with the people who work for and support your organization as well as those who benefit from it. Make their stories part of your own.

4. Make it easy

Being simple and efficient always wins. Whether encouraging donations or providing a service to your community, make it easy for people to find what they need. Be sure that your website’s interface is friendly and simple to navigate. There should be a clear hierarchy of information and your most important materials should be right up front.

5. Keep it fresh

Ongoing, fresh content is critical to keeping your community engaged and growing followers. Your content should concern relevant topics and interests of your community. Write articles or create a weekly blog that discusses issues that pertain to your organization and then redeploy this content on your social medial platforms. Also, be sure to show your expertise by sharing your tips and advice.

Are you facing challenges in any of these areas? Let SandorMax help your organization build and grow its community.

Schedule a free consultation today. We will be happy to discuss any of your marketing needs.


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